Why can a laser light go farther than a flashlight?

The distance light can go depends on its wavelength and on what it in the way. Unlesss you are making different choices for the laser there is no difference in principle between the distance that the laser and the flashlight can go.

However, a laser beam can remain narrower over a greater distance. The basic reason for this is that the size of the light source of a typical flashlight is equivalent to placing thousands of tightly focused lasers adjacent to each-other (e.g. the shape of a tungsten filament or of an LED source). So, when you focus the light from the flashlight, you have light following thousands of different paths that cannot be made to coincide. The laser light can be typically befocussed into just one of these paths (and at worst just a few).

Consequently (assuming equal total powers), the laser power you can get into a small area at a distance will be thousands of times greater than you can achieve with a non-laser flashlight.


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